Shop Therapy By Kimberly

Shop Therapy Tools, Therapy books, journals and more by Kimberly Berry

Printables, Books, Therapy Tools, Planners, Journals, Ceramic mugs and more….

 Therapy By Kimberly shop offers a wonderful array of Daily Planners,  Journals,  Printables  and more to help you stay on track and reach your goals! These resources are so pretty that you will look forward to sitting down with your favorite coffee and planning your day and organizing your busy schedule.  Whether you are using these tools for your personal goals or for work with your therapy clients, these are vital tools to help you stay on track.   Feel a sense of well being and clarity when you organize your life and emotional health.    Shop Therapy by Kimberly for all your therapy needs including Therapy Treatment Planners, Therapy Progress Notes,  Therapy Paperwork, Printable planners, Therapist Tools, T Shirts. Ceramic mugs, Daily Routine Printables, Health Trackers, Minimalistic Trackers, Weekly Records, Health Routine, Printable Trackers, Daily Trackers and much more.

Amazon Shopping
Daily Thoughts: Journal for Personal GrowthBuy Now On Amazon $6.58
5 Minute Gratitude Journal: create positivity and focus on what matters in your lifeBuy Now On Amazon $7.99
Therapist Daily PlannerBuy Now ON Amazon $8.99
I Am Just A Girl With Ideas: Journals for GirlsBuy Now On Amazon $9.99
5 Relationship Saving SecretsBuy Now On Amazon $9.95

Contact Us

Relationship Expert & Author

"Peace of Mind and Connected Relationships" Kim Berry, LPC.

If you want greater peace of mind and deeper, more connected relationships, Take Action

Contact Info

Kimberly Berry, LPC

187 Belmont Drive
Dothan, Alabama 36305
Phone: 334.671.1280