Appointment for Passion

Appointment for Passion sex is an important component of marriage, yet it is often last on our list of priorities. With work deadlines, after school activities, homework, and household chores, we tend to push intimacy to the back burner, creating a dry-spell. It can be difficult to rekindle that romance, but without it, we become more distant, causing even more of a road block in the relationship.

Many couples resist making an appointment to be intimate with their partner, thinking that without spontaneity there will be less passion in the relationship. The problem with this line of thinking is that without sex dates set aside, the passion wanes due to a lack of connection. The bottom line, if the choice is between scheduled sex and postponed sex, the scheduled sex is the way to go. Make up for the lack of spontaneity by making the sex date romantic. If your idea of intimate sex is not “wham bam thank you ma’am,” then put forth the effort to create a whole date package. If the idea of intimate sex to you is getting intimate on a conversational level; once the kids are in bed, break out some candles and create a level of intimacy that you once enjoyed with a bottle of wine. A good heart-to-heart goes a long way to sparking the passion that can ignite the evening’s activities!

Other ways to help create some level of spontaneity are to read some erotica, however much you’re comfortable with, the night before. Maybe your scheduled date will arrive early, which is great for spontaneity! Also consider sexting with your partner. This is a good way to create passion, as well as let them know you are thinking of them. It is important to make your partner feel wanted. Sexting can give them a sense of feeling desired, which sparks passion even more.

Most importantly, make sure to rest up prior to your sex date. Nothing kills the mood more than being too tired. Also, be sure to prepare for your sex date with sexy fragrances, lingerie, flowers, and soft sheets. The hair in pony-tail, pajama pants, no make-up look doesn’t do much to turn someone on. By utilizing body maintenance tips, proper hygiene, and putting in a little effort in the clothing, hair, and make-up department, you can create a scheduled date that feels more like intimacy leading to sex.

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Relationship Expert & Author

"Peace of Mind and Connected Relationships" Kim Berry, LPC.

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Kimberly Berry, LPC

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Phone: 334.671.1280